Your new partner in caring for the health and wellbeing of your pets.

Our Services

All pets are unique and deserve individual health plans to address their needs.

Whether it is during your pet's regularly scheduled wellness check or at a sick appointment, we will collaborate with you on improving your pet's health and quality of life together.

Education is of key importance to us, and we aim to empower pet owners to make informed decisions regarding their pet’s healthcare. We are happy to educate, provide resources, and help pet owners understand the needs of their pet and the options available.

When our pets aren’t feeling well, they can’t tell us what’s wrong or where it hurts. Changes in their health or behavior can be easy to miss. Regular wellness exams, combined with early detection and age-specific diagnostics, help ensure your pet’s continued wellbeing. Identification of an illness or chronic condition will allow your veterinarian to quickly assess and treat whatever condition may be ailing your pet. This early diagnosis can help improve the chances of a quick and full recovery for your pet.
Wellness care includes annual exams, vaccines, parasite detection & prevention, age-appropriate diagnostic testing, chronic condition monitoring, dental health, nutrition, and mental health.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – Benjamin Franklin
With many illnesses, natural immunity is developed by the body after a person or animal experiences those conditions. Vaccines teach the immune system how to create antibodies for fighting highly contagious or deadly infections without experiencing the disease. These antibodies are like stored ammunition the immune system uses to fight back when your pet is exposed to the actual disease. This protects your pet before they get sick, while also protecting other animals and even humans your pet interacts with.
Our pets can get both ectoparasites (on the outside of their body – fleas, ticks, mites) or endoparasites (inside their body – heartworms and intestinal parasites). Unfortunately, even pets that never venture outside are still at risk for intestinal parasites like tapeworms and roundworms. Parasites are more than a nuisance and can actually threaten your pet with grave illness and even death.
Annual testing for these parasites or the diseases they can carry, along with year-round monthly prevention, helps to keep our cherished companions – and their trusted human families – healthy.
Dr. Stancliff-Lubow will work with you to create a monitoring and prevention plan appropriate for you and your pet.
For more information about parasites, please visit:
Over 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen every year in the U.S. An identification microchip dramatically increases the likelihood of your beloved companion being reunited with you. All animal shelters and most veterinary offices have microchip scanners. If identified, they can contact the microchip manufacturer, which will then contact you directly to reunite you with your pet.
Microchips do not contain batteries and so will never wear out. They cannot fall off, be altered, cannot track your pet’s location, and contain no personal information.
Microchips are the only permanent identification form with a national, searchable registry database. Your pet’s microchip is only useful if it is registered, and your contact information is kept up-to-date with the chip manufacturer.
Whole Health Veterinary Care can scan your pet for a microchip. If present, we will include the number in your pet’s file. If your pet does not have a microchip, we can place one and register it for you.
For more information about microchips please visit:
Unsure if your pet’s microchip is registered, or which company it is registered with? Visit:
Note, this is not a place to register or update your information. It never provides pet owner information, but it will let you know the chip manufacturer and whether the chip has or has not been registered.
Congratulations on your new puppy or kitten! Much like bringing home a baby, there is a lot to know about your new fuzzy friend. One of the first places you should bring them is the vet in order to give them the best start to a long, happy, healthy life.
While every puppy or kitten will need routine veterinary care, they will each require an individualized plan. Our staff will provide gentle, compassionate care and can walk you through the medical and behavioral needs of your puppy or kitten.
Just like humans, our pets need regular dental care and cleanings. Dental disease is one of the most common pet medical issues. It can lead to pain, loss of nutrition, tooth loss, and disease. Dental bacteria can travel through the bloodstream to the heart, liver, and kidneys.
Whole Health Veterinary Care is committed to complete dental health, which also includes education about proper at-home pet dental care, an essential aspect of your pet’s oral needs. We offer complete dental care for your pet, from basics such as dental exams, teeth cleaning and polishing, to tooth extractions and surgeries.
Does your pet have bad breath, excessive drooling, decreased appetite, or weight loss? Does he or she drop food while eating (may indicate oral pain) or paw at their mouth? If so, give us a call to set up an appointment for a dental health evaluation.
Proper nutrition is a foundation of good health so settling on what and how to feed your pet is fundamental. From which nutrients your pet needs, to picking a brand, to how much to feed, our staff is here to help you make informed choices for your pet.
If you are concerned about weight management, age-related nutrition, lifestyle nutritional needs, medical challenges such as liver disease, renal failure, bladder and kidney stones, allergies, obesity, or you simply want to be educated on the available options, we are here to help you make sense of your pet’s nutrition.

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Senior Pet Care

Our pets’ medical needs change as they age. Most dogs are considered senior at age 7, while larger breeds are considered senior at 5 years old. Cats are typically considered seniors by age 8.
Routine exams and diagnostics are important to detect, monitor, and manage changes in health such as weight loss, dental disease, cataracts, glaucoma, arthritis, cardiopulmonary disease, and cancer. Routine visits will keep your companion happy and healthy by treating and preventing conditions before they occur.

Allergies & Dermatology

Your pet’s fur coat offers them warmth and protection, but it could be hiding a skin condition. Just like us, our pets can be sensitive to irritants that cause them distress. Scratching, biting their coat or skin, excessive paw licking, dandruff, bald spots, a dull or greasy coat, and unpleasant odor are among the signs of allergies and skin conditions in pets. If left untreated, some of these conditions can become serious health concerns.
Our expert team will diagnose and offer treatment for pets with skin-related problems including allergies, rashes, parasites, infections, and more.

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Getting to the root of an issue starts with an exam and diagnostic testing. Routine diagnostics are performed to identify illness or disease and to establish a baseline of your pet’s health or chronic condition. Thorough testing contributes to improved outcomes and quality of life, possibly extending your pet’s lifespan.
As a pet owner, you might recognize when your pet is not feeling well, but it can be difficult to determine why.
Our staff is committed to helping you get a complete grasp of your pet’s health through laboratory and diagnostic testing.

Blood & Lab Tests

Regularly scheduled testing helps us determine your pet’s normal baseline. Tracking these results over time allows us to catch potential issues early, increasing the likelihood of timely intervention and recovery. Lab testing can reveal the presence of certain parasites, illnesses, or diseases while ruling others out, as well as helping us monitor the effectiveness of treatments.
We recommend annual or semi-annual blood profiles for our senior patients. All routine surgeries will have a CBC and chemistry panel prior to surgery. Pets with symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea can have results from complete blood profiles within 30 minutes for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Digital Radiology (X-Rays)

We offer radiology services that are completely safe, pain-free, and non-invasive.
Digital radiography presents valuable diagnostic images of your pet’s tissues, organs, and bones. X-rays help us find and diagnose arthritis, fractures, foreign objects, dental issues, enlarged organs, heart disease, bladder stones, tumors, asthma, pneumonia, and other respiratory disorders.

Blood Pressure Screening

Just like in humans, your pet's blood pressure is an important indication of heart, blood vessel, and kidney health. We advise blood pressure checks on all of our middle-age and senior pets at least once per year to ensure that we are staying abreast of health issues that might otherwise exhibit no symptoms.


This painless, non-invasive test measures the intraocular pressure inside your pet’s eye and is important for the diagnosis and control of glaucoma and uveitis. Increased pressure in your pet’s eye can be extremely painful and dangerous, and left untreated can cause blindness. Tonometry is an easy way to check the pressure without having to sedate your pet.


Using sound waves, ultrasound technology produces images of your pet’s internal body structures - areas such as tendons, muscles, joints, and internal organs.
For instance, ultrasound technology can give us a view of the inner workings of your pet's heart, including the chambers, valves, and major blood vessels. This is an ideal, non-invasive way to evaluate normal and abnormal cardiac symptoms.
With digital images, videos, and measurements of the structures inside your pet’s body, board-certified radiologists can give us recommendations and treatment options for your pet. Having both your primary veterinarian and a board-certified internal specialist working together gives your pet a significant advantage in diagnosing, monitoring, and treating their condition.

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At Whole Health Veterinary Care, we understand that surgery can be stressful, for both you and your pet.
When your pet needs surgery, Dr. Stancliff-Lubow will discuss the details of the surgery with you to help you make an informed decision about your furry loved one’s care. We will keep you informed about what the procedure entails in terms of cost, necessity, and post-operative care.
Our compassionate and caring professionals rigorously monitor your pet before, during, and after surgery to ensure that our patients have a complete recovery.

Spay & Neuter

This routine medical procedure prevents unwanted pregnancies & reproductive cancers and may additionally reduce behavioral problems associated with the mating instinct.


Anesthesia or sedation during a procedure ensures your pet is pain free, fear-free, and movement free. Procedures involving anesthesia carry some risks, so all patients are carefully screened for safety, and anesthetics are specifically tailored to your pet. We use only modern anesthetic agents and up-to-date monitoring equipment to keep your pet safe and reduce risks during these procedures.
Following the procedure, we monitor closely to ensure that our patients have fewer side effects and adequate pain relief during recovery.

Dental Surgery

Dr. Stancliff-Lubow balances the need for routine dental cleanings with the risk of anesthesia. Therefore, at each exam, she will check your pet’s teeth and recommend whether a full cleaning is necessary. This does involve anesthesia – a dog or cat won’t sit quietly and say, “Ah.” We x-ray every tooth, allowing us to identify any teeth that are unhealthy, damaged, abscessed, or impacted. When we must perform an extraction, we additionally use numbing agents and pain relief just like with humans. All dental surgery patients will go home with pain medication, plus antibiotics when necessary.

Mass Removal

While masses are most common in older pets, all tumorous growths should be evaluated by our skilled professionals. Dr. Stancliff-Lubow will utilize leading diagnostics to identify the cause of the mass and discuss treatment options with you. Many types of cancers in dogs and cats can be cured simply by being diligent about having your pet's masses examined and removed.
Pet mass removals are usually performed under general anesthesia, allowing us to remove the mass completely and effectively, without pain during the procedure.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Our professional team is experienced in various soft tissue pet surgeries, from simple to complex.
Soft tissue surgery includes everything not related to bones, teeth, joints, muscles, or the neurologic system. The most routinely performed procedures are spays, neuters, and mass/tumor removals. Other examples of veterinary soft tissue surgeries include intestinal foreign body removal, laceration and wound repair, eye surgery, mastectomy, and splenectomy.

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Just like in human medicine, emotional health is just as important as physical condition. Dr. Stancliff-Lubow is dedicated to assisting her patients with both. Typically, she recommends a combination of behavioral therapy (training) and medication support for pets who are experiencing anxiety or stress.

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We consider your pet’s physical comfort to be a large part of their overall health and well-being. Temporary or chronic pain should be relieved as quickly as possible, and we strive to do so while reducing the need for pharmaceutical intervention whenever we can. We offer therapeutic laser treatments which have been found instrumental in decreasing pain & inflammation as well as improved wound healing. This therapy is often recommended for issues such as surgical recovery, arthritis pain, and soft tissue injuries such as strains & sprains.
In cases where additional alternative medicine or home care is recommended, we will refer clients to Perry Integrative Veterinary Care. Dr. Perry offers acupuncture, herbal therapies, dietary recommendations, massage, spinal manipulation, and rehabilitation.

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Visit our online pharmacy. Request prescription refills, nutritional supplements, specialty foods, and so much more. Click the button below and create your account today.

Online Pharmacy 

Use the button below to access our client portal and see your pet's health records, make appointments, and more.

Please contact our office to set-up your Client Portal account, or if you have forgotten your password.

We accept CareCredit, a credit card with flexible financing options so you can pay over time. Click here to apply.*

*Subject to credit approval

The veterinarian’s oath includes the promise ‘to protect animal health and welfare, prevent and relieve animal suffering.’ It is a noble profession that demands a selfless commitment to serving the needs of animals.